Monday, May 7, 2012

Hudson is 2 months old!

Hudson is 2 months old!  Where has the time gone? 

We had his 2-month check up this morning and he did great!  He weighed in at 13lbs 11oz (81%) and was 23in long!  He got 3 vaccinations and did so great.  Of course he screamed when she stuck him but as soon as she finished the 3rd one, he calmed right down.   

Hudson is such a sweet baby.  His most smiley time of the day is first thing in the morning.  His face just lights up and he smiles at anyone and everyone who talks to him.  This makes Kemper very happy - he really likes it when he can make "baby brudda" smile.  :)

Big news in Hudson's world - he was evicted from the Pack n Play in Mom and Dad's room and is now sleeping in his crib at night.  Even though I moved Kemper into his crib at 2 weeks, strangely, I think I would have been happy to keep Hudson in our room for longer.  Daddy was tired of tripping over the Pack n Play (and not getting to watch tv before bed). 

He has done great in his crib!  He goes to be around 7:30 and usually sleeps until around 2.  After eating, he goes back down until around 6 when he eats again and then takes a little nap until it's time to take Kemper to school.  During the day, he takes some naps in his room but occasionally will sleep in the swing or pack n play depending on what we're doing.  

Kemper continues to be such a great big brother.  He's so helpful and loves to entertain Hudson (as long as he's not crying).  Usually if Hudson is crying, Kemper will disappear and occupy himself until Hudson is calmed down....I don't think he does this to be helpful so much as to just get away from the crying!  We are having a hard time getting Kemper to understand that when Hudson is napping that we need to keep the noise level down.  We don't want to tip-toe around and end up with a light sleeper (ahem, Kemper) but slamming doors and yelling aren't the best when Hudson is sleeping.  For some reason, the only way Kemper knows how to shut a door is to slam it.  

We're looking forward to our visit to Virginia coming up.  James will be giving up command of his troop and then we'll have a couple weeks of leave before he takes over the Rear Detachment.  We'll be having Hudson baptised while we're in and are looking forward to introducing him to everyone!


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