Tuesday, March 5, 2013

February 2013 - the month of sickness

February was not kind to our family when it came to being sick.  First, Hudson was diagnosed with strep throat mid-month, then James came down with a terrible stomach bug, then Kemper and Hudson were BOTH diagnosed with strep throat.  Hudson decided to add a cold on top of that case of strep throat which seemed to send him downhill fast.  

If I remember correctly, we were at the doctors office 5 times in the month of February.  They decided to try him on a nebulizer with albuterol breathing treatments and those helped quite a bit!  The difference from the start of one to the finish of one treatment was amazing!  On day 3 of those treatments, just when we thought he was doing so much better, he began vomiting.  And vomited most of the day.  A trip to the doctor and we were on our way to the hospital for a blood test to see if he was too dehydrated.  (We had been seen on Saturday and this was a Monday - he had lost 10oz in that time span).

He felt so bad that when they drew blood, he only flinched but never even whimpered.  The results showed that he was dehydrated enough that the doctor felt like a night in the hospital with IV fluids would be the best course of action.  

Before I go any further, I want to take a minute to say thank God for amazing friends.  Kemper was with us through all of this and my friend Lauren, who had just left work and picked up her daughter, turned around and met us back at the hospital to pick Kemper up.  She kept Kemper until we were settled in a room and fed him dinner.  After James picked Kemper up from Lauren's, he took him to Lynse's where Kemper spent the night.  James had to get up super early and head into the field the next morning so Lynse kept Kemper overnight and took him to school for us that morning.  I am SO incredibly grateful for awesome friends who are willing to help out at the last minute in an emergency.  Thank you, thank you, thank you! :)

We got into a room and I was able to get him to nurse before they put his IV in.  He slept most of the time we were in the hospital - sometimes in the crib but mostly on me.  Don't get me wrong, I love snuggling with that sweet boy and don't normally get too many moments of stillness but I didn't like seeing him so sick that he had no energy to play.  It took forever for them to put his IV in because of a computer problem - when they registered him, his information didn't get registered with the pharmacy so we had to wait for that to get straightened out before they could get his fluids.  

They tried to start the IV on his arm but he was so dehydrated that they couldn't get a vein so they moved to his foot.  This was the one time he got upset while we were in the hospital but once they got it placed and boarded his leg, he settled down and went right to sleep.  He had a constant drip of fluids from 8pm Monday night until they released us at 3pm on Tuesday afternoon.  Thankfully, he nursed well the entire time we were admitted so that pleased the nurses/doctors too as far as getting him rehydrated.

Daddy was able to come out of the field to be with us in the hospital the next day.  Hudson slept pretty well that night (Mommy not so much) but he still slept most of the day.  The doctor saw us around 8am and was pleased with how he was doing and said that we should be able to go home after lunch as long as he continued to improve.  

Thankfully, he continued to improve and we were released in time to pick Kemper up from school at 3!  He was still sleepy and cranky but was completely different from the day before when he was lethargic and felt so awful.

Here is hoping March will treat us better when it comes to illness....Hudson took a break from being sick while we were in Florida but managed to pick up a cold the day before we came back.  Such fun being the little brother when big brother probably brings home goodness knows what from preschool every day!  


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