Saturday, November 16, 2013

Kemper gets to go to Cavman's house!

MeMe, Mommy, Pops and Kemper getting ready to leave for the game
When Kemper was first getting in to super heroes, it dawned on me that UVa's mascot was often referred to as Cavman and before each football game, they played a cartoon of Cavman defeating the opposing team's mascot.  I found some videos on YouTube and he fell in love!  He asked to watch Cavman over and over and anything with the Virginia cross sabres was immediately identified as Cavman!  

MeMe, Pops and Kemper
When we found out we would be able to go to Virginia over Kemper's fall break, MeMe mentioned that there was a UVa game that day and asked if we would like to go.  They have season tickets but we would easily be able to find 2 tickets for Kemper and me to go so as soon as I was able to make arrangements for Hudson (because, let's be honest, the thought of taking this tiny tornado with us to Scott Stadium ranks on up there with having a tooth pulled or getting stuck in a traffic jam for a couple of hours) MeMe bought the tickets and we were set for the game!

I think someone was feeling a bit left out of the photo ops.  
 Kemper was so excited when I told him we were going to Cavman's house...he asked me day after day if it was time to go visit Cavman yet.  We gathered our orange and blue (and bought Kemper some that actually fit) and the morning of the game, I had no problems getting Kemper to get himself dressed.  He was ready and waiting on the rest of us!

So excited to take this sweet boy to Cavman's house!
 We planned to do a very low-key tailgate before the game and grabbed some Bojangles on our way to Charlottesville.  

Ready for his first tailgating experiences
The entire time we were eating, Kemper was constantly asking if it was time to go to the game yet.  

Tailgating with MeMe and Pops

Pure joy!
When it was time to walk to the stadium, he was so excited he could hardly stand it.  It only took about 5 minutes of walking before he decided he was tired and wanted to be carried....rude awakening to him that he's no longer little enough for someone to carry him.  With some prodding and a final push of encouragement when the stadium came into sight, we made it and he immediately asked to buy something. 

With the foam saber he decided on instead of the foam finger.  

He did awesome!  He very much enjoyed the pre-game festivities on the field and loved watching the band march out.  When it was time for the Cavman movie to come on, he was beside himself with excitement! 

Watching Cavman defeat the Blue Devil...sadly the only win we would see that day!

There's Cavman, leading the team onto the field!  

Biggest smiles I've seen out of Kemper in a long time!  

It was so neat to see him experience a game and see how excited he would get!  He got into the chanting and cheering and just had a blast!  We watched the entire 1st quarter then he and I went for a walk and to get a snack in the 2nd quarter.  We made it back to our seats (with cotton candy and drinks) in time for halftime.

Let's be honest....this Cavman was the real reason he was so excited for the game!   

By the 3rd quarter, he was beginning to get restless but just rotated sitting on different laps and playing with his saber.  

I took him down to the edge of the stands in an attempt to get a high 5 from Cavman as he was walking around but Kemper got shy and wouldn't get close!  So starstruck! :) 

By the 4th quarter, he was getting tired and bored.  I pulled out my phone and he happily played game and occasionally cheered but he never asked if it was time to leave yet.  I was so proud of him that was a long day with a lot of walking and sitting and he did great!  

We're from an area in Virginia where the majority of people (including lots of family) are Virginia Tech fans.  For as long as I can remember, we have been UVa fans.  I briefly entertained the idea of applying to Tech for undergrad but then ended up falling in love with Meredith and only applying there.  When it was time for grad school, when I found out UVa had the program I wanted, it was a no brainer for me to apply and I was so excited to get my M.Ed from UVa!  I will always be a UVa fan...good football team or not.  There is something about Charlottesville and the grounds of UVa that is beautiful and special.  I'm not a fair weather fan.  For now, Kemper loves Cavman and UVa...I hope he always will and that someday maybe he would want to attend UVa himself.  I hope that he never chooses his allegiance to a college or team based on their athletics and whether they have a winning record.  I loved sharing this experience with him and loved that he could have cared less whether the team won or lost that day.  All that mattered to him was that he got to see the REAL Cavman and his house!  


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