Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Hudson's off to nursery school!!

This morning was Hudson's first morning of nursery school at the local Presbyterian church.  I was so worried about how he would do because the few times I put him in hourly care he went absolutely crazy when I left.  He's fine if I leave him with a friend but even the childcare at our MOPS meetings causes him to lose it.  

I'm happy to report that he did AWESOME!

The school has this really great playroom that has a Little Tykes outdoor climber, Cozy Coupes and other various fun outdoor toys and the one year olds start their day in the playroom.  So we signed in at his classroom and then walked down to the playroom where his lead teacher, Ms. Jennifer, was waiting.  She spoke to him and he immediately turned his head and buried it in my shoulder but then we turned the corner into the room and he saw all of the cool toys and was trying to jump out of my arms.  I sat him down and he was off...he never looked back.  I said a quick goodbye to the teacher and high-tailed it out of there!  I had to go down to the office and then run back to his cubby to grab the key card (hooray for a secure building!) and didn't hear any crying as I walked by on my way out.  

Ready to load up!

When I got back to pick him up, I peeked in to see him happily playing with his little friend Harper.  I signed him out and as soon as he spotted me, he burst into tears.  Both the lead teacher and assistant said that he had a great day and hadn't cried a single time until he saw me.  They were so excited that not one of the kids had cried up until that point!  I was able to convince him to wave to his teachers on our way out but he was definitely holding on tight as we walked out.  

I'm so excited that he'll be spending 2 mornings a week playing with other kids his age.  We started Kemper in the CDC at our post in Germany when he was only 9 months old and it was so helpful to him in learning to play well with others and in learning how to listen and follow directions for adults other than mom and dad.  I imagine that drop off on Thursday won't be quite as smooth but don't think it will take him long at all to adjust and have a great time!  


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