Friday, December 7, 2012

Hudson is 9 months old!!!

Hudson, you are 9 months old!!!  This month has flown by.  We had your 9-month well baby check today and you weigh 19lbs 11oz and are 28.5in long.  Your weight has leveled off but the doctor isn't at all concerned after seeing how active you are and hearing that you just started crawling!  You were charming, as always, and flashed her a few big, flirtatious smiles.  You did have to get one shot, which you weren't happy about but as soon as I picked you up, you were fine!   You're still wearing 9-12 months clothes.

You made your first visit to Santa this month!  You did tears but no smiles either.  You were mesmerized by him and kept staring up at him trying to figure him out.  It took forever to get a picture of you looking at the camera and not at Santa.  Kemper did great with Santa, too, but in his excitement of telling him what he would like for Christmas, he forgot to relay your list.  He was pretty sad when we asked him and he realized he forgot but he said that he'll just add your list to his when he writes his letter to remind Santa.  

You are such a sweet boy but are so different from your brother.  You sit back and take it all in.  You're not quick to flash a smile but once you warm up to someone, your smiles light up your face!  You don't seem to have much stranger anxiety and have been fine when I've needed to leave you with a friend for appointments.  

You have just started crawling in the last few days (12/2 is when Daddy said you first crawled...Mommy was out with her friends and missed it!) and you're getting better and better by the minute!  At first you could see how hard you had to concentrate when picking up your hands and knees but now, you're starting to get it down without having to think so much.  You're getting faster!  Daddy and I are going to have to start paying better attention.  Kemper is going to learn the hard way, we have a feeling.  He's used to leaving his toys out (and gets in trouble) but once you get a hold of something, I'm sure he'll start to pay more attention.  

Along with crawling, you've started to pull yourself up on your toys, tables, etc.  Just in the last few days you seem to have gotten a little more brave and will cruise from one thing to another.  

You pulled yourself up on the music table and then found a door that would open.  Opening and shutting it was awfully fun until you realized that those DVD cases could be taken out...then you really had a ball!

You are a great eater.  You still nurse but luckily we've stretched it out to 3ish hours between feedings at this point.  Sometimes you'll even go 4 if you're well distracted.  You usually eat around 6:30pm and not again until 7am.  That's not to say you don't wake up in the night but you're not getting that middle of the night snack that you enjoyed anymore!

When it comes to solids, you're basically eating anything and everything that we eat with a few exceptions (still no nuts, peanut butter, shellfish).  Baked ziti was a HUGE hit (you look to be saying "YAY!" in the pic but you're really showing us just how big you really are).  You also really like cheese, ham, turkey, salsa chicken and bread.  Broccoli is one of your favorite veggies and strawberries are definitely your favorite fruit!  You're doing pretty good with a sippy cup....we've got a few and you seem to adapt to each kind fairly well. You can definitely get water out of the sippy (not a straw cup) and sometimes giving you the sippy is the only way that we can make it through dinner after you scarf down your food.

You really enjoy just splash and have started to get more and more brave at moving around in the tub.  Hopefully Santa will be bringing you a few more bath toys for Christmas because you're getting pretty bored with the bath squirters we have.  You know that as soon as bath is over, it's time for bed and if I'm not quick enough getting you in your pjs and into the chair to nurse, you let me know.  

Getting this months pictures was harder now that you're more mobile!  

You are still saying Mama and we're working on adding Dada.  If I wave, you will start saying "bababa" so I'm wondering if that's you saying bye-bye.  You talk and babble ALL THE TIME!  I wish I knew what you were trying to tell me because you're very passionate about whatever it is!

You're taking 2 naps a day (usually 45min-1.5hours in the morning and 1.5-2hours in the afternoon) and sleep from 7pm-7am with 1 or 2 wakings in the night.  Usually if we give you a paci you will go right back to sleep.  (On a side note, your brother was the same way.  The paci could be right next to his hand and he wouldn't attempt to put it back in by himself even though he was perfectly capable.)  A few nights, you've decided that your crib is the perfect place to practice new tricks.  Like going from laying down to sitting up.  One night you practiced that for an hour and a half and happily babbled to yourself the entire time!  It was funny watching you for the first 5 minutes on the monitor then mommy was ready for you to go back to sleep!  You also crawl from one end of the crib to the other.  Your favorite way to sleep is on your belly and you move ALL OVER the crib at night.  Your favorite place is curled up in the corner but as soon as you wake up, you move to the other end to get resettled.  

We love you Hudson and can't wait to see what the coming months bring!  


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