Saturday, July 20, 2013

T-ball Season 2013 - Bears

Kemper's team this year was the Bears.  We've had some bad experiences the past few years when it came to coaches....our first year, the coach was super sweet but knew NOTHING about t-ball or coaching kids and the second year, our coach quit after the first practice.  Luckily, this year, Coach Roy was awesome with the kids and really invested time and had TONS of patience with them!

Since this was technically the first year of true t-ball and he had played 2 years of blast ball, there was a lot of explaining to do.  Blast ball doesn't require a glove or for the players to do anything with the ball once they field it except yell blast.  Trying to get the kids to throw the ball to first base was a difficult task...I would say it took until the 3rd game before things were starting to click.  

Gavin and Kemper were on the same team again this year.  These two crack me up.  

Since we only had one coach, James and Jon (Gavin's dad) helped out on the field when it was our teams turn to bat.  I think James had as much fun as the kids!

We've got to work with Kemper on swinging the bat harder but for the most part, he did great at bat this year.  It took until the last game but he FINALLY hit a home run like he had been hoping all season!

This guy was a beast to deal with at t-ball games.  First of all, the majority of our games started at 7:15...that's fifteen minutes after he's usually in the bed.  Second of all, it was HOT and STICKY.  Finally, he wanted so badly to be on the field with the big kids that we had numerous meltdowns when he would get to the gate and I would stop him.  Fun times!

Defense wasn't our specialty but we had one little guy who was particularly good at fielding the ball and quite fast.  Many times, he would field the ball and get the person out by beating them to first and tagging them.  

Meltdown when I wouldn't let him on the field.  Mean mommy.

I had to miss the last game of the season but James was kind enough to text me the play by play.  

James:  Both boys to the game dressed....check!
James: Home run.  Not kidding.  15 feet in the grass.
James: Unassisted double play at first
James: Just like his momma
James: Followed by an E1 just like his daddy.
James: Then he got a tag out on what I would call a safety squeeze.
James: And then cleanly fielded another and tagged 1st
James: He is what the Spanish would call el fuego!

I was laughing so hard at his commentary!  He said that things really seemed to be clicking in his head this game and he could tell he was starting to understand what to do with the ball if it was hit to him.  As much as James and I (and Pops!) love baseball, we sure do hope that this will be a game he will come to love and will do well at!  

It was a great season and he had a blast!  He loved his coach and was super excited for the end of the year pool party we attended today.  The coach was kind enough to get each player a miniature wooden bat with their name and the team name on them.  

Up next, he's requested to give soccer a try.  I know nothing about soccer and the 2 practices a week plus games on Saturdays seems daunting to me for a 5-year old but he's excited and I have a feeling this is only the beginning of keeping up with their busy activities schedule!  


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