Sunday, January 26, 2014

Hudson's Nursery School Christmas program

Hudson's school always puts on a Christmas program and they make it a point to include even the 1-year old class!  They don't bring the young ones in until almost the very end but it was so cute to see all of the little kiddos walk in and sit like little people with the rest of the school.

The 1, 2 and 3-year old classes.

They warned us before the show that we should try to find a seat where we wouldn't be easily spotted to hopefully keep them from freaking out when they saw us but couldn't get to us right away.  I managed to find a pretty good spot but had to hide behind my camera once when Hudson seemed to have Mommy-radar and looked directly at me. 

Hudson is front row, 3rd from the left in the reindeer sweater.

They came in for "Jingle Bells" and were each given a set of bells to shake.  Hudson LOVED the bells and was going to town and shaking them like a crazy man.  Then he got distracted and seemed to notice that it wasn't just Miss Ann's music class where they were playing and there were lots of people.  But once the teacher's helper got his attention, he started shaking again and wasn't phased by the amount of people.  After it was over, they called the parents up class by class to get their children and head down to the fellowship hall for cookies and juice.  

This was Hudson's favorite part of the day...cookies!  We chatted with one of his teachers for awhile and then headed home before Hudson started to terrorize the place.  

Hudson with his teachers, Mrs. Lissa and Ms. Jennifer

I really loved where Kemper went to school at Hudson's age but I did miss that they didn't do any sort of Christmas program.  It was so fun to see all of the kids singing and shaking their bells.  It's always amazing to see how differently Hudson behaves for his teachers than he does at home.  I'm thankful that if he's going to be a lunatic, he only does it at home for us!  We love this little school and will miss it next year in Alabama!


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