Saturday, March 16, 2013

Hudson is ONE!!!!!

**Taking a little break from Disney posts so I don't forget this one**


It seems impossible that a year has passed since this beautiful, sweet, precious baby boy joined our family.  The year flew by!!  

Well, the theme of this past month (with the exception of the one week we were in Florida) has still been sickness.  We just can't seem to get you better.  You made a solid rebound and only had a slight cough while we were at Disney but the day we got in the car to head home, you seemed to be coming down with yet another cold.  That cold stuck around through your 1-year well baby appointment where Ms. Lissa deemed you 100% healthy (aside from the cold).  You got 3 shots and did awesome with them.  We had your birthday party planned for March 10 and you were such a grump and acted like you didn't feel well.  It just went downhill from there and eventually we took you back into the doctor to find that you had a double ear infection and pink eye.  Wheeeee!  

At your one year appointment, you were 21 pounds 4 ounces and 30 inches tall.  (Same as 11 months but back up from when you had the tummy bug and were hospitalized.) 

You are in 12 months clothes with the exception of pants...they are a bit too long for you but the 9 months are a bit short.  You still fit into your 4.5w shoes but you hate wearing shoes in general.  As soon as we get in the car, you work on the shoes and socks until you get them off.  Poor little brother - I didn't have any sandals for you to take to Florida so I grabbed a pair of Kemper's old ones in a size 5 thinking that they would work for the trip.  Nope, way too big, made you trip - mom fail!

You eat like a champ and have taken to whole milk pretty well.  You are still nursing 2-4 times a day because I've been hesitant to cut that out with all of the colds/bugs you seem to pick up (likely from germs Kemper brings home with him from school).  We've been working on putting you down for naps without nursing and you've done pretty well so far!  You will eat just about anything we put in front of you but still LOVE any sort of pasta and you also love pizza.  Peas are your favorite veggie and you'll eat any fruit we offer.  Cheerios, goldfish, and Ritz crackers are favorite snack foods.

You're up to 8 teeth, possibly more but you are super protective of your mouth and I'm afraid to stick my finger in to see if there are any others hiding in there!  

You love to dance and whenever you hear music, you stop to get a few moves in.  You are signing more and all done but seem to prefer banging your cup on the tray/table to get your point across the most.  You give high fives and you stared giving kisses this month!  You like to give that cute baby in the mirror kisses and you give mommy and daddy kisses.  You are still a fan of Pat-A-Cake and Itsy Bitsy Spider and you REALLY like the Hot Dog song from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  The ball popper is one of the toys that will hold your attention for the longest.  

You still go to bed around 7 (sometimes 6:30 if you're super tired) and are up around 7am.  You take 2 naps a day (9am and 1pm-ish).  Morning nap usually lasts an hour to an hour and a half and I usually have to wake you up from your afternoon nap at 2:30 so we can go pick Kemper up from school.  You're still not sleeping solidly through the night but are wake up for a paci and go right back to sleep (knock on wood that I'm not jinxing it tonight).  

You are walking much better this month - more steady and you will walk farther than before.  If you fall, you will start to crawl but if you're near something to pull up on, you'll get back up and keep going!  You've learned how to come back down the 2 steps in the playroom when you pull up on the gate and don't get let out to explore instead of just standing there stuck!  You still don't like to see anyone on the other side of the gate and if Mommy isn't in the playroom but walks by without stopping to get you, you lose your mind.  Mommy has a hard time getting much done during the day!

You took your longest road-trip to date this month when we visited Disney World.  The car ride was better than we expected but we broke it up into 2 days because we knew that you wouldn't be able to handle 12 hours in one day.  I think you had a great time at Disney.  You liked all of the characters and weren't scared at all.  You got to ride Toy Story Mania, Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin and Dumbo.  You went on an African Safari and flirted with anyone and everyone who would look at you.  You got to taste ice cream and cake and other sweets that I'm sure I never allowed Kemper to have before turning 1!  You even got your very first haircut at the Harmony Barber Shop on Main Street USA!!!  You did great and Ms. Penny was a pro!  She entertained you with stickers and a spinning toy while she cut your hair.  We got rid of that mullet and you got your very first pair of Mickey ears with "My First Haircut" embroidered on the back.  I was so proud of how great you did!

We can't believe how fast this year has flown.  It's hard to remember life without you, sweet boy.  You make us smile daily and we can't wait to see what the next year has in store for you and us!  Happy Birthday Hudson!  We love you!


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