Saturday, August 18, 2012

MeMe and Pops visit!

photo by Lynse Michael Photography

We had such a wonderful visit with MeMe and Pops!  We always love it when family comes to visit and we typically stay on the go when we do have visitors.  We met up with my friend Lynse to have some family pictures taken.  It's always fun with Lynse is around and we got some wonderful pictures from our evening at the park.  Kemper was pretty disappointed that Gavin wasn't with Mrs. Lynse but rebounded quickly when she put him in charge of shaking the bells to get everyone to look at the camera.  :)  

Quite a bit of Pop's time was spend playing Legos with Kemper.  On a trip to Opry Mills, Kemper got to visit the Lego Store for the first time and he was in awe.  So.Many.Legos!  After learning their lesson in buying a Lego firetruck set and then having to put it together for him, we wisened up and purchased a 600-count basic lego set.  I am pretty sure that the amount of time they spent playing with the Legos over the course of their visit more than made up for the price.  Bridges, houses, robots, wands, people...the list goes on and on!  

We went to the pool one afternoon (and if I can figure out how to add pictures from my phone to the blog, I'll add a few pictures) and Hudson got to get in for the first time!  We weren't really concerned that he wouldn't like it because this boy LOVES bathtime.  Sure enough, he loved being in the pool and just floating around in his float.  Kemper, with the help of his PuddleJumpers, was all over the pool himself and had a blast.    Kemper has never been a child that gets worn out after swimming (last summer, Casey and I tried to wear his butt out at the pool more times than I can count and it never worked) so after the pool and a failed "rest time" in his room, we loaded the boys up and headed out to dinner.  It was awfully quiet in the car (and it's unfortunately NEVER quiet in my car between Kemper and Hudson) and I looked back to see both boys sound asleep.  Kemper was so deeply asleep that I unbuckled him and carried him into the restaurant and he  barely stirred.  Hudson, true to form, woke up as soon as the van turned off. :)

Also, Hudson began sitting up unassisted while MeMe and Pops were here.  Slow down little boy!!  

Another fun activity Kemper and Pops did during their visit was to play school!  Kemper will start his second year of pre-K on the 4th of September but we've been working on letters and numbers.  I found a fun dry erase book of letters and numbers and it is one of his favorite things to do.  He loves to write and will constantly ask us to spell things for him to he can write lists.  Pops had him do "homework" and then he would grade it for Kemper.  Kemper asked to play school 25 times a day it seemed.  He just couldn't get enough!  Hudson was content to supervise.

As always, we were sad when their visit came to an end.  Kemper is at the age where he's much more aware of what is going on and doesn't like it when they leave.  It has always been hard to say goodbye but it's even worse now when I see Kemper get upset.  Luckily he rebounds pretty quickly but it's heartbreaking nonetheless!  

We're looking forward to meeting up with them at Myrtle Beach in September!  It's looking like James won't be getting to take any vacation anytime soon so just the boys and I will make the trip down.  Ten and a half hours (not counting stops to feed Hudson or bathroom breaks for Kemper) with a 4-year old and 6-month old who hates the car.....I may be crazy but can't wait to introduce Hudson to the ocean and hopefully reunite Kemper and a special red head!  


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